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Ivy Drive School

Ivy Drive PTA Boosterthon Fundrasier Student Sign-Up

Posted Date: 2/24/25 (9:55 PM)

Good Afternoon, Ivy Drive School Community:
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to share with all Ivy Drive families the upcoming PTA Boosterthon Fundrasier flyer and student sign up information.  The PTA Boosterthon kick-off date is Friday, February 28th and the event is scheduled to take place on Thursday, March 11 during student specials.  To sign-up for the Ivy Drive Boosterthon, please click on this link to get started...MyBooster.Com
We are looking forward to particiapting in our school-wide fundrasier and Glow Run event next month!  
Have a great day!
-Erika Coleman