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Ivy Drive School


A green background with the acronym P.B.I.S. in white, outlined in black, with the words 'Positive Behavioral Interventions + Supports at Ivy Drive School' below.


Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a school wide behavior system. The system centers around clear and concise behavioral expectations, which are taught, modeled, and reinforced by all members of the school community. These expectations help to drive the positive climate and culture in our school building.

Our school wide PBIS system was developed by a team of our school staff in an effort to ensure Ivy Drive is a positive learning environment and has a positive climate for every member within our Ivy Drive community. Our Climate Team consists of grade level representatives, special education staff, support staff, administration, and parent representatives.

Our team reviews behavioral data (office referrals, survey results, anecdotal data, attendance data) every month in an effort to identify trends and intervene on any trends, in a proactive manner. By continuously reviewing the data and making adjustments to our system, we are able to ensure that we are meeting the behavioral needs of our community members (staff and students alike). 

Ivy Drive PRIDE

Did you know that a PRIDE is a group of dragons and that our mascot is a dragon named Emerald? It's true! Our school wide PBIS expectations also spell out PRIDE. 




We show #IvyPRIDE at Ivy Drive and we do this through our demonstration of: Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Enthusiasm.


At the beginning of each school year (and again after we return from winter break), we take the time to teach our students what PRIDE looks and sounds like in every setting within their school day. These settings include the bus, the bathroom, in the hallways, during lunch, within their classrooms, during recess, and many others! By teaching these expectations in the context of each setting, students grow to know exactly what the rules and expectations are and in turn, they are able to successfully meet these expectations!


Our school wide expectations at Ivy Drive are reinforced with a system of incentives. At Ivy Drive, we try to keep our incentives non-tangible, so students will begin to develop a sense of intrinsic motivation.  Our incentives are given to students for demonstrating positive behavior (PRIDE) and following the school rules. 

Students can earn Dragon Dollars (tickets) for demonstrating PRIDE, which are entered into a classroom drawing every month for a surprise prize. Students can also earn Positive Office Referrals (which are paired with a positive phone call home) and they are recognized on the Morning Announcements.


In order to enhance our positive climate at Ivy Drive, we have monthly TOWN MEETINGS. During these meetings, all students get together in the gym and celebrate student success, draw Dragon Dollar winners, and show the 'Gratitude Attitude' (where students recognize one another for positive behavior). It is a great way for our students to grow stronger as a community. 

We also have a PRIDE chant that all members of our school sing every morning during the morning announcements. Students can sign up to make a video of themselves singing the PRIDE chant. Students are order to be our 'featured' chanter of the day; their video is played for all of their classmates to see. 

Every Monday, we start off the week by doing our Dragon Breathing; This is a way we teach and practice calming strategies and mindfulness. By integrating Dragon Breathing into our weekly schedule, students become very comfortable with the practice and are able to use it independent when they feel angry, anxious, or afraid while at school.  It is important for our PRIDE to develop new skills that helps them develop a healthy social-emotional well-being.