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Ivy Drive School

Ivy Drive Weekly News: Week of March 3-7

Posted Date: 3/08/25 (2:48 PM)

Good Morning, Ivy Drive School Community:

We had an amazing week of teaching and learning at Ivy Drive School this past week!  We celebrated Read Across America Day on Monday, March 3 and also had a full week of spirit days!  Many special guests, community members and visitors volunteered to read to our classes and participate in a school-wide shared reading experience! 

This week, we also kicked-off our Ivy Drive "Student of the Week" and nominated one student from every class who consistently demonstrates their Ivy Drive P.R.I.D.E. expectations.  We recognized each student by presenting them a Student of the Week certificate and each student got to pick a special treat from the Dragon Prize Cart for being nominated this week!  

On Tuesday, March 11th, our school will be participating in our PTA Boosterthon Glow Run.  All students in grades K-5 will be participating in the event during their special classes in the gym - complete with glow sticks and music! Please continue to keep up with the daily Boosterthon updates that are shared, so we can work towards reaching our school-wide goal of raising $15,000. to support programming and the arts at Ivy Drive School! 

During the week of March 17th, Ivy Drive will be holding our Spring Student-Led Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday through Friday.  Teachers have reached out to families to schedule your conference times, so please take a minute and sign up for your conference time.  Don't forget that Wednesday, March 19th through Friday, March 21 are shortened days and dismissal time is 1:15pm all three days! 

We look forward to welcoming our families into school for our Spring Conferences!

ID WEEKLY NEWS: WEEK of MARCH 3-7, 2025 (Click LINK to access ID Weekly News)

Enjoy the weekend and we will see you back at school on Monday, March 10th!


Erika Coleman